2n edition of HU course – with blog and material

Hi everyone,

today was a great day! Today was the first day of the second edition of the course about the basics of web development I’m teaching at Humboldt University Berlin. I had a great deal of fun and am already looking forward to next week.

Anyhow, the course now has its own blog where I share presentations, homework etc. The course is held in German only, so the material is only German as well. The course is aimed at total beginners (e.g. minimum requirement: “You should know how to use a computer.”).  When looking through the material please keep in mind that it is not made for self-study – it is made to be presented. Also it is for real beginners and therefore sometimes makes abstractions/simplifications for the sake of productivity.

So without further ado, enjoy the blog: webanwendungsentwicklung.wordpress.com



Slides: Where to go from here (Ruby Beginners)

Hi everyone,

I just gave a lightning talk at RailsGirls Berlin about places where you can continue to learn about Ruby and Programming – especially for beginners. The slides got links to the mentioned content. So here they are:

Where to go from here (pdf slides)

Where to go from here (slideshare, here you can also download the .odp)

If you got any questions or something, please feel free to contact me (comment here or see the about section).

Enjoy coding!


Resources page online

Hey folks,

just a quick post: I just created a page containing many of the resources I stumbled upon while learning about programming, software engineering, web development, that I found extremely useful. Most of them are free so go and check the resources section out!
This list is also a good indicator of what I might write reviews about in the future.

I hereby want to thank each and every author of the referenced material for their contributions. This is my way of saying thank you, I hope that through my blog some more people find those great resources. I also hope that I can help all the people who are looking for resources in order to learn about Ruby, Rails, web development or any other stuff.

Also if you feel like there are any good resources in the form of guides or tutorials missing please let me know (via comments or ways described in the About section) . I would enjoy this and feel free to share this if you think someone might have use for it.

So once again: Go and check out the Resources section (or simply click on the link on the top right!).

I hope that this may be of use to you.


Sharing knowledge, ideas and resources

So what are blogs about? From my current point of view they are about sharing knowledge and ideas with other people. And of course to discuss these ideas and to give people the chance to build upon these ideas.

I want to expand a bit on the idea of sharing knowledge, especially the sharing of great knowledge resources. There are a ton of great resources out there, you just have to find them, which is often easier said than done. I wish I would have some of those resources earlier, for instance when I was trying to learn Ruby or Rails. I want to help to give the authors the respect and attention they deserve but foremost I want to help those who try to learn something to find the best (and probably free) resources to do so.

Therefore I’ll not only post about those resources but try to maintain pages referring to all those great resources I found over time. Of course there are also non free resources which deserve to be mentioned cause they are all well worth what they cost.

I hope that the first post will be up this weekend – so stay tuned!