Slides: Code, Comments, Concepts, Comprehension โ€“ Conclusion?

The following is the first part of my visit to Warsaw in April (sorry for the super late post!). As part of the visit, I also visited Visuality and spent an evening there giving a presentation and discussing the topics afterwards for a long time. We capped it off some board games ๐Ÿ˜‰ I had a great time and the discussions were super interesting.

The talk is a reworked old goldie (“Code is read many more times than written” / “Optimizing for Readability”) and is about readable code and keeping readable code. It’s evolved as I evolve – I learn new things, assign differing importance to different topics and discover entirely new important topicss.

You can view the slides here or on speakerdeck, slideshare or PDF.


Slides: Optimizing For Readability (Codemotion Berlin 2015)

Yesterday I gave a talk at Codemotion Berlin, it was “Optimizing For Readability” – an updated version of my “Code is read many more times than written”. It features new insights and new organizational practices to keep the code base clean and nice. Abstract:

What do software engineers do all day long? Write code? Of course! But what about reading code, about understanding whatโ€™s happening? Arenโ€™t we doing that even more? I believe we do. Because of that code should be as readable as possible! But what does that even mean? How do we achieve readable code? This talk will introduce you to coding principles and techniques that will help you write more readable code, be more productive and have more fun!

(pictures by Raluca Badoi)ย 

And here you can see the slides, sadly there is no video ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Slides are CC BY-NC-SA.

Hope you like the code, please leave some feedback. I’d especially love suggestions for a better talk title ๐Ÿ™‚