Video: Elixir & Phoenix – fast, concurrent and explicit

And here goes the video from Rubyconf Portugal – which was a blast! This talk mainly focuses on the latter explicit part of the title and how Elixir and Phoenix help with readable and maintainable code. It is also an introduction, quickly glancing at several topics that could also be topics of separate talks. This was at a ruby conference and I’m a ruby programmer, so parts of it are tailored to compare with Ruby, Object Oriented Programming and Functional Programming as well as likenesses and differences between Rails and Phoenix. Hope you enjoy!

You can also have a look at the slides right here or as PDF, speakerdeck and slideshare.


Elixir and Phoenix are known for their speed, but that’s far from their only benefit. Elixir isn’t just a fast Ruby and Phoenix isn’t just Rails for Elixir. Through pattern matching, immutable data structures and new idioms your programs can not only become faster but more understandable and maintainable. This talk will take a look at what’s great, what you might miss and augment it with production experience and advice.

Slides: Elixir & Phoenix – fast, concurrent and explicit (Rubyconf Portugal)

And here go the slides for my elixir and phoenix talk focusing on the great features that both bring to the table and make your development experience nicer.

It is similar to the version presented at Codemotion Berlin, save for some minor tweaks and a hopefully more readable and stronger shade of green 😀

So you can get the slides as PDF, speakerdeck and slideshare.


Elixir and Phoenix are known for their speed, but that’s far from their only benefit. Elixir isn’t just a fast Ruby and Phoenix isn’t just Rails for Elixir. Through pattern matching, immutable data structures and new idioms your programs can not only become faster but more understandable and maintainable. This talk will take a look at what’s great, what you might miss and augment it with production experience and advice.

Slides: Ruby to Elixir – what’s great and what you might miss

This is a talk I gave at the Polygot Tech Meetup in Berlin in April. It has parts of my previous elixir talk while adding a new perspective more directly comparing Ruby and Elixir as well as being shorter as it was used as an intro to a fun panel discussion.


Elixir and Phoenix are known for their speed, but that’s far from their only benefit. Elixir isn’t just a fast Ruby and Phoenix isn’t just Rails for Elixir. Through pattern matching, immutable data structures and new idioms your programs can not only become faster but more understandable and maintainable. While we look at the upsides we’ll also have a look at what you might be missing and could be improved.


Slides: Elixir & Phoenix – fast, concurrent and explicit

This is the first talk I ever gave about my two new favorite technologies to play with (at home and at work) – Elixir and Phoenix. I gave this talk at Vilnius.rb in march and at the Ruby User Group Berlin in April. Hope you enjoy it.


Elixir and Phoenix are all the hype lately – what’s great about them? Is there more to them than “just” fast, concurrent and reliable?

This talk will give a short intro into both Elixir and Phoenix, highlighting strengths, differences from Ruby/Rails and weaknesses.
