Web Application introduction Slides from Rails Girls Berlin May 2013

Hi everyone,

It’s the well known web application introduction, this time without the Ruby introduction as the Ruby Monsters already did this! This time it also has a Bentobox exercise, so enjoy!

Hope you enjoy the rest of the workshop and that the slides help you with your learning 🙂

Oh, and a link to the cheat sheet which I mentioned.



Slides from the Febuary 2013 Rails Girls Berlin workshop

Hi there,

So here are the slides from my talks from the Rails Girls Berlin workshop on Saturday, in their chronological order:

Introduction to web applications (the one with the map)

I love programming

The slides are Creative Commons Attribution license – so feel free to share and modify them but say where you got them from 😉

And as a little bonus I was allowed to post the beautiful Rails Model View Controller comic drawn by Anja of our Ruby Monsters project group – the comic is Crative Commons as well if I understood her right!




(green) Tobi

Slides: Introduction to Web Applications (RailsGirls Berlin)

Hi everyone,
here go the slides from my talk this morning at the RailsGirls Berlin December workshop. It’s a basic introduction to web applications and Ruby. Enjoy it and feel free to use it everywhere – if you got questions comment 🙂

So enjoy RailsGirls and enjoy coding! Hopefully see you around for the afterparty and feel free to grab me any time if you want to ask me something or just chat!

