Slides: Ruby to Elixir – what’s great and what you might miss

This is a talk I gave at the Polygot Tech Meetup in Berlin in April. It has parts of my previous elixir talk while adding a new perspective more directly comparing Ruby and Elixir as well as being shorter as it was used as an intro to a fun panel discussion.


Elixir and Phoenix are known for their speed, but that’s far from their only benefit. Elixir isn’t just a fast Ruby and Phoenix isn’t just Rails for Elixir. Through pattern matching, immutable data structures and new idioms your programs can not only become faster but more understandable and maintainable. While we look at the upsides we’ll also have a look at what you might be missing and could be improved.


Slides: Elixir & Phoenix – fast, concurrent and explicit

This is the first talk I ever gave about my two new favorite technologies to play with (at home and at work) – Elixir and Phoenix. I gave this talk at Vilnius.rb in march and at the Ruby User Group Berlin in April. Hope you enjoy it.


Elixir and Phoenix are all the hype lately – what’s great about them? Is there more to them than “just” fast, concurrent and reliable?

This talk will give a short intro into both Elixir and Phoenix, highlighting strengths, differences from Ruby/Rails and weaknesses.



Looking for a job!

Hello everyone – it’s finally that time. After finishing my Master’s and a bit of a break I’m finally looking for a job.

For the impatient, my CV/resume: online PDF

Who are you?

I’m Tobi, online I’m better known as PragTob. I’m a Berlin based full-stack engineer (with a bit of a tendency towards the backend) and deeply interested in agile methodologies, web technologies, software craftsmanship and teaching. I contribute to a variety of open source projects (e.g. Shoes, Hackety Hack and after_do), engage in a multitude of community events (e.g. Ruby User Group Berlin), enjoy attending and speaking at conferences.

My favorite programming language at the moment is Ruby and it’s the one I’m most experienced with, along with my favorite implementation JRuby. Naturally I’m also interested in other programming languages, these days mostly Clojure. As for frameworks, I’ve done quite some work with Ruby on Rails, writing applications and teaching it at workshops and courses.

You can check me out more online, including profiles etc., at my website. Of course, looking around this blog can also give you a pretty good idea of what I’m like.

What are you looking for?

A great job of course! Working on interesting problems with nice colleagues in an interesting area, where I can learn new things. I’m mostly interested in web development and related technologies. If the company supports the community and contributes back to open source (or even has an open source product!) – all the better!

I prefer working in an office with my co-workers, working together, pair programming and discussing options in front of the white board. That said, other options are possible. I love open source and am used to distributed working on open source projects, for instance.

At this point in my life I want to refrain from working for advertising companies, banks and the likes. Moreover, I really want to stay in Berlin for now, it’s a great city with many great companies. Something super awesome would have to come up, to make me move. Also, a job where I’m away from Berlin most of the time is probably not ideal for me.

What now?

Well if I sound like someone you want to work with or if you want to figure out if you want to work with me, please go ahead and get in touch 🙂 You can shoot me an email at

As a reminder, since you made it this far, you can find my CV here

Teaching a course about web development at Humboldt University

Hello everyone,

just a quick note but I’m extremely excited to finally announce that I will be teaching a course about the basics of web development at Humboldt University Berlin. The course is meant for bachelor students who don’t study computer science. It’s a total basics course, no prior knowledge required. The course will start with basic HTML and CSS, then we’ll get into some Ruby and then some Ruby on Rails. So in short, it could be perfect to be the start of your journey into Programming. And a useful skill to have, in the spirit of this awesome video.

The course will be every week on Wednesday for 9 weeks (starting in May) for ~5 hours + breaks. The course will be held in German. The course is limited to ~14 students.

Link to the full course description (German)

If you are a student interested in the course, feel free to get in touch with me for questions etc!

In the end, a big thanks to everyone who helped making this happen! Especially Dajana 🙂



Resources page online

Hey folks,

just a quick post: I just created a page containing many of the resources I stumbled upon while learning about programming, software engineering, web development, that I found extremely useful. Most of them are free so go and check the resources section out!
This list is also a good indicator of what I might write reviews about in the future.

I hereby want to thank each and every author of the referenced material for their contributions. This is my way of saying thank you, I hope that through my blog some more people find those great resources. I also hope that I can help all the people who are looking for resources in order to learn about Ruby, Rails, web development or any other stuff.

Also if you feel like there are any good resources in the form of guides or tutorials missing please let me know (via comments or ways described in the About section) . I would enjoy this and feel free to share this if you think someone might have use for it.

So once again: Go and check out the Resources section (or simply click on the link on the top right!).

I hope that this may be of use to you.
